Saturday, 26 May 2012


A great day out at a local country fest, with a heavy emphasis on food, where we really enjoyed a good look around and some good tasting sessions. Really good to catch with old friends and to talk to the producers who give us so much pleasure. Having been such a hot day what better way than a BBQ to sample some of produce with friends too.

The first outing this year for the fire starter, a great device for starting the charcoal or briquettes with. Just stuff some paper into the base, top with some old coals and then fill with new ones, place over the base shelf and light. Leave this until you have red hot glowing coals, pour over the BBQ base and you can begin to cook, simple and effective, but we are yet to decide the best paper to use, a midweek or weekend one, a broadsheet or tabloid, the jury is still out!

We were lucky enough to have purchased some racks of ribs, traditional, sweet chilli and peri-peri, along with a coarse Cumberland sausage, pork and chive sausage, Springbok burgers and Kangaroo burger, certainly something a little different.

The ribs were sealed off and cooked in a rack, then when nicely browned, wrapped in foil and returned to a cooler area of the BBQ, whilst the sausage and burgers were cooked over the coals. Everything remained moist and juicy with excellent flavour, the Springbok and Kangaroo were certainly powerfully surprising and to be recommended as a great alternative to the usual offerings. The ribs were juicy, tender and well flavoured, offering a selection for everyone and keeping us happy as we ate them by hand, giving us the opportunity to lick our fingers clean afterwards too! These meats all came from Shaw meats in Wigton, check them out at

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